El aprendizaje de una segunda lengua al mismo nivel que la lengua materna se convierte en un punto a favor en el desarrollo de la persona. Para esto, se deben tener en cuenta las características de los niños y su edad. Poseer una educación en dos lenguas favorece el aprendizaje de ambos idiomas y prepara a los estudiantes para enfrentarse a un futuro a nivel laboral y social más enriquecedor.
Algunos beneficios que aporta la educación bilingüe son:
- Mayor capacidad de socialización debido a que saben expresarse en dos lenguas y, por lo tanto, pueden comunicarse con un mayor número de personas.
- Facilita las relaciones y el conocimiento de nuevas culturas, ya que tienen acceso a información más amplia por no encontrar barreras por encontrarse en un idioma u otro.
- Aumenta la memoria.
- Fomenta la creatividad.
- Mejora la salud del cerebro al mantenerlo activo y trabajando constantemente diferenciando los idiomas en los que se comunica.
- A largo plazo, es un punto a favor en el acceso al mercado laboral, ya que posee capacidad para expresarse en dos idiomas y eso es un aspecto a tener en cuenta en muchos puestos de trabajo.
Learning a second language at the same level as the mother tongue becomes a plus point in a person’s development. For this, the characteristics of the children and their age must be taken into account. Having an education in two languages promotes the learning of both languages and prepares students to face a more enriching future at work and social level.
Some benefits of bilingual education are:
- Better ability to socialize because they know how to express themselves in two languages and, therefore, can communicate with a greater number of people.
- It facilitates relationships and knowledge of new cultures, since they have access to broader information by not encountering barriers because they are in one language or another.
- Increases the memory.
- Encourage the creativity
- It improves brain health by keeping it active and constantly working differentiating the languages in which the speaker communicates.
- In the long term, it is a plus point in access to the labour market, as it has the ability to express itself in two languages and that is an aspect to be taken into account in many jobs.
Hello dear parents, it is an honor for Gimnasio Obregon to present you our
newest agreement with the international institution Advantages School
International: DUAL DIPLOMA.
It is a program in which students can be granted the title of international
bachelor. Students will study 100% virtually in Advantages School International,
a digital high school located in Reno, Nevada, USA. They will have between
three and four years to complete their 5.5 credits which are divided in 6 subjects:
English (4 levels), US History and US Government and Politics. Due to the fact
that the students will be taken all those subjects, there is a recommended
distribution, so that the academic workload is as light as possible:
If a student signs up for the program they will receive tutoring sessions during
their English classes, this means that they will no longer take regular English
classes and the grades they get in the DUAL diploma will be validated for the
classes. Finally, it is imperative to remember that the success of this program
depends on the student’s autonomous work in the Advantages School
International platform. This work is done at school during the tutoring sessions,
but most of it is done at home, therefore, compromise and responsibility are two
key abilities for the students who are interested in participating on the program.
Thank you very much
We are looking forward for your participation